Digital marketing is the use of digital technologies and channels, such as social media, email, search engines, websites, and mobile apps, to promote a product, service, or brand. It involves creating, publishing, and distributing content that is targeted to a specific audience, with the goal of driving traffic, generating leads, and increasing sales.

Digital marketing strategies may include search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, and display advertising. These tactics can be used together to create a comprehensive digital marketing campaign that reaches a wide audience and delivers measurable results.

The pricing for our products may vary based on the size of the customer's business due to several factors. Here are a few examples of how pricing can differ based on business size:

  1. Volume of Competition: Larger businesses typically require larger amounts of SEO and marketing with higher budgets to compete with other larger companies. This requires more work from us as the agency to be able to show the results we know we can achieve.

  2. Customization: Larger businesses often have more complex needs, and may require customization or personalized services that are not necessary for smaller businesses. This can result in higher prices for larger businesses due to the additional resources required to meet their needs.

  3. Support: Larger businesses may require more extensive support and maintenance services, which can be more time-consuming and resource-intensive. This can result in higher prices for larger businesses due to the additional support required.

  4. Scale: Larger businesses may have a larger impact on your company's bottom line due to the potential for repeat business, referrals, and brand recognition. This may lead to discounts or special pricing arrangements for larger businesses as an incentive to maintain their business.

Overall, it's important to consider the specific needs of each business and the resources required to meet those needs when determining pricing.

  1. Expertise: A business that has a team of experts with diverse backgrounds and specialties can offer a wider range of services and provide more comprehensive solutions to clients.

  2. Results-oriented approach: A group that is focused on delivering measurable results to clients is more likely to provide value and build long-term relationships with clients.

  3. Personalization: A digital marketing firm that takes a personalized approach to each client's needs and develops customized solutions based on their specific goals and challenges can provide a more tailored and effective service.

  4. Innovation: A team that is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry can offer clients innovative solutions that set them apart from the competition.

  5. Customer service: A company that provides excellent customer service and prioritizes communication and transparency can build strong relationships with clients and foster trust and loyalty.

Ultimately, what separates a digital marketing firm from the rest will depend on a variety of factors, including their unique value proposition, company culture, and track record of success.

The onboarding process for a Elephants Digitals is quite simple. Although it can vary depending on the specific company and the services being provided, but typically it includes the following steps:

  1. Discovery: During the discovery phase, the marketing business will gather information about the client's business, goals, target audience, and current marketing strategies. This may involve questionnaires, interviews, and research.

  2. Strategy Development: Based on the information gathered during the discovery phase, the marketing business will develop a customized marketing strategy that outlines the recommended approach, tactics, timelines, and goals.

  3. Onboarding Meeting: Once the marketing strategy has been developed, the marketing business will schedule an onboarding meeting with the client to review the strategy, answer any questions, and ensure everyone is aligned on the next steps.

  4. Implementation: After the onboarding meeting, the marketing business will begin implementing the marketing strategy, which may involve creating content, setting up campaigns, developing creative assets, and managing social media accounts.

  5. Reporting and Analysis: Throughout the implementation phase, the marketing business will monitor the performance of the marketing campaigns and provide regular reports to the client to show progress against goals and provide insights into opportunities for improvement.

  6. Ongoing Support: Once the initial marketing campaigns have been launched, the marketing business will continue to provide ongoing support, which may include optimization, testing, and refining the marketing strategy to improve performance over time.

Overall, the onboarding process is designed to ensure that the marketing business understands the client's business and goals, and can develop a customized marketing strategy that delivers measurable results.

Advertising plays a critical role in the success of a business by increasing brand awareness, driving sales, and establishing a competitive advantage. Here are some of the key reasons why advertising is important:

  • Brand Awareness: Advertising helps to increase brand awareness by exposing potential customers to a company's products or services. This increased visibility can lead to increased recognition and trust, which can help to build a strong brand. 
  • Customer Acquisition: Advertising is a powerful tool for customer acquisition by driving traffic to a company's website or physical location. By showcasing the benefits of a product or service, advertising can entice potential customers to take action and make a purchase. 
  • Competitive Advantage: Advertising can give a company a competitive advantage by helping to differentiate its products or services from those of its competitors. By highlighting unique features or benefits, advertising can position a company as the preferred choice in the minds of consumers. 
  • Targeting: Advertising can be targeted to specific audiences, which can help to increase the effectiveness of marketing efforts. By reaching the right people with the right message, advertising can increase the likelihood of converting potential customers into actual customers. 
  • Revenue Generation: Advertising can help to drive sales and generate revenue for a business. By increasing awareness, driving traffic, and positioning a company as the preferred choice, advertising can help to boost sales and grow the bottom line.

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Dear Business Builder

How would you feel if your sales doubled within 3 months even with the same (or less) spending on your marketing?

Imagine skyrocketing profits.. Increasing bonuses… you don’t have to worry about chasing your next customer anymore, while enjoying a predictable stream of leads on autopilot.

We’re commonly known for turning every $1 of advertising into $3 of profits. We know fast-growth and future success are often through digital marketing, and we know how it’s done.

Here’s how we take your business from zero to hundred, FAST:

  1. Lock in time with one among our Digital Growth Specialists. They’ll guide you through a strategy session that audits your digital presence and put together an omnichannel digital marketing strategy (worth 50 pages)
  2. If you like what you hear, we pitch an idea that puts your business goals at the forefront
  3. Ready to take subsequent steps? Our team hits the ground running to realize your goals with digital marketing that works.

Best of all? We provide our strategy sessions for free.
But it’s not for everybody. After working with many business owners, we know a thing or two about what fits or what doesn’t.

Our free strategy sessions are available only for people whom we know we can add value to. In other words, businesses that:

See marketing as a revenue-driver, not a price centre
Can invest enough resources into their marketing (less than $2K monthly budget may be a no)
Want to partner with a compatible business – strong partnerships is how we assist you to get brilliant results

If all the above seems like you, let’s talk.

Chief Consultant
Media Mojo Pte Ltd